International Discounts
Note on International Shipping:
All import taxes, fees, tariffs, and duties are the sole responsibility of the customer. MGC does not pay import fees for customers.
Total Fees:
Please check with the shipping carrier after you receive a tracking number to get the import tax amount for your country. MGC does not calculate or provide
import fee totals.
MGC suspensions is based in Southern California in the United States.
We truly appreciate receiving orders from customers all over the world.
Current shipping costs have become more expensive, keeping international customers from ordering the parts they need and want.
To show our appreciation for our friends all over the world, we have created a special discount code to help keep prices down.
Customers outside the U.S. are invited to use discount code INTERNATIONAL5 on the checkout page to receive 5% off any order over $799.00.
Our wish is to offer free shipping on every order, but it just isn’t possible in some cases.
MGC suspensions. Your project is our passion.